Sunday, March 24, 2013

21 Things I Got from BuzzFeed

It's the Sunday before the end of Spring Break for my friends back at Princeton, so it's seems appropriate that I give them a little help with their procrastination.  Also, I can't use Facebook until 9 PM (it's currently 11 AM here), so I'm going to post some hilarious links from Buzzfeed HERE:

1.  This is why Tilda Swinton is a frakkin' BOSS!  One time Academy Award winner (Michael Clayton), but she seriously could care less.  She probably uses the Oscar to hold her toilet paper.

2.  I need to play The Sims.  Preferably The Sims 2, but I'd be down with The Sims 3...  That's how desperate this is.

3.  This is horribly sad.  I had no idea that Australia had a practice of forcing women into giving their babies up up for adoption in the 60s, but at least their apologizing now.  I think apologies are meaningful, even if they don't undo what's already been done.

4.  Is it bad to use a quote from a tyrant (Mao Zedong) if the quote itself is actually pretty good?  I'm curious what others think.  On one hand, I would say, "no," but by quoting the tyrant  are you endorsing the tyrant?

5.  I've been saying this forever:  RUGRATS TAUGHT ME EVERYTHING I NEEDED TO KNOW ABOUT LIFE.  Seriously.  Without television in general, I'd be way less smart than I am today.  Suck it people who read books...

6.  I'm going to vomit.  Why do I live in such a world where this kind of sh*t exists?  Actual quote from one of the men in charge of The Feminist Victims Charity: "While walking to my place, I realized how drunk she was. In America, having sex with her would have been rape, since she legally couldn't give her consent. It didn't help matters that I was relatively sober, but I can't say I cared or even hesitated. I won't rationalize my actions, but having sex is what I do."  VOMIT!  I'm vomiting in my mouth RIGHT NOW.  Feminism is really just equality with an emphasis on women.  When it goes past creating equal opportunity, treatment, and safety for women just as much as their is for men, then it's gone too far and there may be victims of it.  I don't know if that's happened yet.  It certainly hasn't happened on a LARGE, INSTITUTIONALIZE SCALE SUCH AS SEXISM!...

7.  I, as well as all of America, eat unhealthy and am going to die.

8.  Summer Heights High was an amazing Austrialian TV show.  Why did it get cancelled?


10.  Steinem for the win!  Paraphrase:  Feminism is full social, economic, and political equality of males and females.  Also, she likes the show Girls.

11.  Sofia Coppola (one of the 4 women to ever be nominated for Best Director) and I think alike.  We both had Sleigh Bells music in our minds when shooting scenes of our respective movies (i.e. The Bling Ring and Served Cold, respectively).  Why is Sleigh Bells music in every trailer?  Because Sleigh Bells music is frakkin' awesome!  It gets you pumped up and excited to watch whatever movie is being advertised!

12.  Spice World really was a wonderful movie (in the oh my god this is ridiculously stupid kinda way).  And so good for the women's movement.  But actually.  The Spice Girls showed that there wasn't one type of girl, but several, and they could all be friends!  We need another Spice Girls.  Way more than we need another stupid boy band (re:  One Direction).

13.  I respect this woman.  Poonanji Marshall.  IDK if she's real, but if she is, she's awesome.

14.  30 reasons I need to live in Portland, Oregon.

15.  SO HUNGRY FOR THIS FOOD!  That's one thing about Kenya, the food is good, but sometimes I just miss a good ole fashion box of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese.  When we get homesick here, it's usually always about food...

16.  We put birds on things (not buzzfeed, but who cares).

17.  I just finished reading (or I suppose technically "listening to" on audiobook) Tina Fey's hilarious Bossypants and all I can say is every single human (at minimum every single female) should read (or audiobook listen to) this book.  I was constantly laughing out loud.  I wish it had never ended because it was so funny.  I wish every week I could listen to Tina Fey talk about hilarious things that happened in her life.  This is why I'm sad 30 Rock is over, but at least the episodes (and jokes) will be immortalized for all time - and laughed over for much longer.

18.  On a similar note, Tina Fey is one of the most hilarious people of our generation.  Just look at the fact that Mean Girls is still relevant and related to, like, every big hit in pop culture (re:  Les Mean Girls and Mean Girls of Panem).

19.  UNDERSTATEMENT.  Everything is great in Kenya.  Don't worry about me.

20.  Mother's day is coming up.  Do something nice, will ya?

21.  And I leave you with some positive words from THE Mr. Rogers.  

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