Saturday, February 9, 2013


This just in... I may have a macroparasite.  I'll keep y'all posted.  Right now, I'm just hoping I'm constipated  (DEAR CLARE, MATT, MIREILLE, and JAMES:  I KNEW I WOULD NEED THOSE FIBER PILLS YOU MADE ME LEAVE BEHIND!).  We'll see.  All I know, I'm happy I took that immunology course this semester.  Now I'm just praying that my epithelial gut lining is turning over in turbo-drive.  Note to all humans:  don't eat mango pieces off the ground.  Leave them on the ground for the birds to eat.


  1. Whoops...feel better soon!!! Being constipated sucks

  2. I'm learning about GI parasites in microbiology! Fun fact: almost all of them cause diarrhea, not constipation. Although it's possible you have giardiasis. If your feet itched, than you either have hookworm (ancylostoma duodenale) or intestinal threadworm (strongyloides stercoralis--which can grow to 12 yards. it's DISGUSTING). If you're having a little trouble breathing, or are coughing more than usual, you have ascaris lumbricoides, which, if reproductive enough, can give you appendicitis. If your butt itches, you have intestinal whipworm (trichuris trichiura) which, in my opinion, is the worst for disgusting reasons (anal prolapse).

    Of course, stool microscopy is the only way to truly figure out what you have/had :D
